Monday 16 June 2014

Assignment 6: Exhibition

Click the links below to check the following assignments:
Assignment 1: Modelling | Lasercutting
Assignment 2: 3D Printing
Assignment 3: Waffling
Assignment 4: Two Parts
Assignment 5: Nature

Assignment 5 - Nature

For this assignment, I designed something that was based on my knowledge of grasshopper after three months of learning how to use it. This design is a conceptual model of a pavilion design that I had in mind. It relates to nature in terms of its organic form and terrain like roof design. After consulting my tutor, I decided to create something architectural for this last assignment. Ever since the start of this semester, I was particularly interested in waffling and sectioning, the two techniques which clearly define the construction of a typical building. Therefore, I worked around with these two techniques in order to design this conceptula pavilion model. My aim for this assignment wasn't to just design something that featured a natural system, but to display the way the program Grasshopper is applicable to the architecture community and the greater possibilities it can bring to it, but at the same time, illustrate a form of architecture that shows the architecture conversing with nature.

Click here to download the Grasshopper file and here to download the Rhino file for this assignment.